1. A small spherical solid ball is dropped from a great height in a viscous liquid. Its journey in the liquid is best described in the diagram given below by the

2. Two spherical soap bubbles of radii r_{1}  and r_{2} in vacuum combine under isothermal conditions. The resulting bubble has radius equal to
3. Water stands at level A in the arrangement shown in the figure. What will happen if a jet of air is gently blown into the horizontal tube in the direction shown in the figure?

4. Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of varying cross-section. If the pressure of water equals 2 cm of mercury, where the velocity of the flow is 32 cm\, s^{-1} , what is the pressure at another point, where the velocity of flow is 65cm\, s^{-1} ?
5. From the adjacent figure,  the correct observation is

6. When a glass capillary tube of radius 0.015 cm is dipped in water, the water rises to height of 15 cm within it. Assuming contact angle between water and glass to be 0^{0} , the surface tension of water is \left [ \rho _{water}=1000kg\, m^{-3},g=9.81ms^{-2} \right ]
7. An incompressible liquid flows through a horizontal tube as shown in the following fig. Then the velocity v of the fluid is

8. A mercury drop of radius 1.0 cm is sprayed in to 10^{6} droplets of equal size. The energy expended in this process is (surface tension of mercury is equal to 32\times 10^{-2}Nm^{-1})
9. If there were no gravity, which of the following will not be there for fluid?
10. The surface area of air bubble increases four times when it rises from bottom to top of a water tank where the temperature is uniform. If the atmospheric pressure is 10 m of water, the depth of the water in the tank is
11. For a liquid which is rising in a capillary, the angle of contact is
12. Water in a vessel of uniform cross-section escapes through a narrow tube at the base of the vessel. Which graph given below represents the variation of the height h of the liquid with time ?
13. A cylinder is filled with liquid of density d upto a height h. If the cylinder is at rest, then the mean pressure of the walls is
14. If the rise in height of capillary of two tubes are 6.6 cm and 2.2 cm, then the ratio of the radii of tubes is
15. The excess pressure inside a spherical drop of water is four time that of another drop. Then their respective mass ratio is
16. A liquid is kept in a cylindrical vessel which is rotated along its axis. The liquid rises at the sides (figure). If the radius of the vessel is 0.05 m and the sped of rotation is 2rad\, s^{-1} , find the difference in the height of the liquid at the centre of the vessel and its sides

17. Surface tension of a soap solution is able of 2.0 cm diameter will be
18. The viscous force acting on a rain drop of radius 0.35 mm falling through air with a velocity of 1ms^{-1}, is \left ( \eta =2\times 10^{-4}Nsm^{-2} \right )
19. An air-tight cage with a parrot sitting in it is suspended from the spring balance. The parrot starts flying. The reading of the spring balance will
20. A rain drop of radius 1.5 mm, experiences a drag force F=\left ( 2\times 10^{-5}v \right ) N, while falling through air from a height 2 km, with a velocity v. The terminal velocity of the rain drop will be nearly (use g=10ms^{-2})
21. A liquid flows through a pipe of non-uniform cross-section. If A_{1} and A_{2} are the cross-sectional area of the pipe at two points, the ratio of velocities of the liquid at these points will be
22. A body is just floating on the surface of a liquid. The density of the body is same as that of the liquid. The body is slightly pushed down. What will happen to the body
23. A balloon of volume 1500 m^{3} and weighing 1650 kg with all its equipment is filled with He (density  0.2 kg \,m^{-3} ). If the density of air be 1.3kgm^{-3}, the pull on the rope tied to the balloon will be
24. There are two holes one each along the opposite sides of a wide rectangular tank. The cross-section of each hole is 0.01 m^{2} and the vertical distance between the holes is one meter. The tank is filled with water flows out of the holes is (density of water =1000kgm^{-3})
25. The terminal velocity of spherical ball of radius a falling through a viscous liquid is proportional to
26. In making an alloy, a substance of specific gravity s_{1} and mass m_{1} is mixed with another substance of specific gravity s_{2} and mass m_{2} : then the specific gravity of the alloy is
27. A thread is tied slightly loose to a wire frame as in figure and the frame is dipped into a soap solution and taken out. The frame is completely covered with the film. When the portion A  is punctured with a pin, the thread

28. The pressure on a swimmer 20 m below the surface of water at sea level is
29. A barometer tube reds 76m of mercury. If the tube is gradually inclined at an angle of 60^{0} with vertical, keeping the open end immersed in the mercury reservoir, the length of the mercury column will be
30. Water from a tap emerges vertically downwards with an initial speed of 1.0ms^{-1}. The cross-sectional area of the tap is 10^{-4}m^{2}. Assume that the pressure is constant throughout the stream of water and that the flow is steady. The cross-sectional area of the stream 0.15 m below the tap is
31. A square wire frame of size L is dipped in a liquid. On taking out a membrane is formed. If the surface tension of liquid is T, then the force acting on a frame will be
32. A glass flask having mass 390 g and an interior volume of 500cm^{3} floats on water when it is less than half filled with water. The density of the material of the flask is
33. If two soap bubbles of different radii are connected by a tube
34. A streamlined body falls through air from a height h on the surface of a liquid. If d and D(D>d) represents the densities of the material of the body and liquid respectively, then the time after which the body will be instantaneously at rest, is
35. Water flows steadily through a horizontal pipe of variable cross-section. If the pressure of water is p at a point where flow speed is v, the pressure at another point where the flow of speed is 2v, is (take density of water as \rho )
36. On which of the following, the terminal velocity of a solid ball in a viscous fluid is independent?
37. A container with square base of side a hight H with a liquid. A hole is made at a depth h from the free surface of water. With what acceleration the container must be accelerated, so that the water does not come out?
38. Two drops of the same radius are falling through air with a steady velocity of 5cm per sec. If the two drops coalesce, the terminal velocity would be
39. A liquid flows in a tube from left to right as shown in figure A_{1} and A_{2} are the cross-sections of the portions of the tube as shown. Then the ratio of speeds v_{1}/v_{2} will be

40. A large tank is filled with water to a height H. A small hole is made at the base of the tank. It takes T_{1}  time to decrease the height of water to \frac{H}{\eta }\left ( \eta >1 \right ): and it takes T_{2} time to take out the rest of water. If T_{1}=T_{2}, then the value of \eta is
41. The meniscus of mercury in a capillary glass tube, is
42. Water is filled up to a height h in a beaker of radius R as shown in the figure. The density of water is \rho, the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric pressure is P_{0}. Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column through a diameter of the beaker. The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this section has magnitude

43. What is the radius of the biggest aluminium coin of thickness t and density \rho, which will still be able to float on the water surface of surface tension ?
44. In the figure, the velocity V_{3}  will be

45. A uniform long tube is bent into a circle of radius R and it lies in a vertical plane. Two liquids of same volume but densities \rho and \delta fill half the tube. The angle \theta is